Volunteer Spotlight: Resource Closet Coordinator Sarah Jackson

by Sarah Jackson

Hi, I'm Sarah. I've been volunteering with Foster Village since its early days, having watched friends navigate the difficult road of foster care and pouring their hearts into loving and guiding children from hard circumstances. And I've worked in public schools with kids from similarly tough places. There are needs everywhere, but how to help?

Being a concrete and practical person, the Foster Village Resource Closet is a great place for me. I get to count, sort, organize, and help prepare Welcome Packs.

The Resource Closet may look like just a well-organized warehouse space. But it's where the magic of Welcome Packs begins, transforming PJs, sneakers, and stuffies into a message that says, "you are special, you are loved."

When a family receives a new child into their care, we want them all to feel a village of support. One of the ways to do that is to show up on their doorstep with a smile and a bag or two of new, good quality items that they need right now.

Every child receives 5-7 days of new clothes, pajamas, socks, shoes, underwear/diapers, a water bottle, book, blanket, and stuffed animal. Older kids receive gift cards to choose their own clothes.

These items are ready and waiting for them in our Resource Closet, thanks to support of all kinds:

  • Financial donations to purchase needed items.
  • Volunteers who shop with those funds to stock the shelves.
  • Kids who have collected diapers or books at their birthday parties instead of gifts for themselves.
  • Students and local businesses who have hosted a drive for water bottles, PJs or sneakers.
  • Adults who've spied a deal while shopping and picked up some extra to donate to Foster Village.

And many, many hands who have sorted and stocked. Not to mention the delivery team ready to distribute smiles and necessities at a moment's notice!


We stock new boys and girls clothings in sizes premie thru size 10. Plus PJs, socks, underwear, shoes, diapers, wipes, pullups, water bottles, blankets, books, stuffies, car seats, bedding, and more.

You can support the Resource Closet in many ways – hosting a drive, collecting birthday gifts, shopping for deals, joining the delivery team, giving financially, or getting creative! 

However you participate, know that local families will hear: "You're not alone. We see you. There's a village to support you."

🛒 Find a complete list of our current Resource Closet needs on our Amazon Wish List.

➡️ Contact Sarah at sarah@fostervillagenortheastks.org to get involved with the Resource Closet today!